
  • Level
  • Safety Goggles
    Safety Goggles
  • Screw Drivers
    Screw Drivers
  • Tape Measure
    Tape Measure

Other Supplies

  • Tools:
  • ● Chop Saw
  • ● Screw Gun
  • ● Level
  • ● Palm Sander
  • ● Tape Measure
  • ● Pencil
  • Products:
  • ● Four – 2 x 4 - 8' long (pressure treated pine)
  • ● Seven – 1 x 6 – 6′ long (pressure treated pine)
  • ● Two - National Hardware Joist Hangers - 3 3/16" x 3 5/16" x 2"
  • ● Four - National Hardware Corner Braces - 3 " x 3/4"
  • ● Two - Boxes - #10 - 1 /1/2" x 1 1/2" National Hardware Hex Head Screws
  • ● Box - 1 5/8" Deck Screws
  • ● Box - 2 1/2" Deck Screws
  • ● Wood Stain or Paint (Optional)
  • ● Decorative Wallpaper (Optional)
  • ● Polyurethane Sealer (spray or brush on)
  • To Hang:
  • ● Four - 1/4" x 4" Eye Hooks
  • ● Four - 1/4" Quick Links
  • ● Four - 3/16" Quick Links
  • ● 50' 3/16" Fixed Link Chain
  • Optional - Cushion For Seat In Outdoor Fabric
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Step 1


Design your swing, keeping in mind the size and look that you prefer. Once you've decided on the size that you'd like your porch swing to be, lay out the wood pieces and measure for cutting.


Step 2


● Two - 2 x 4's to 48" in length.
● Two  - 2 x 4's to 17'" in length.
● Two - 2 x 4's to measure 21 1/2" in length.
● Two - 2 x 4's to measure 13" long.
● Two - 1 x 6 to 20" in length.
● Three - 1 x 6 to 46 1/4" long.

● Two - 1 x 6 to 53" in length


Step 3


Attach two National Hardware Joist Hangers to one of the 48" 2 x 4's as shown.


Vintage Porch Swing

Step 4


Set the 17" 2 x 4's in the joist hangers and secure with National Hardware Hex Head Screws.


Vintage Porch Swing

Step 5


Attach the other 48" 2 x 4 to the 17" 2 x 4 with 2 1/2" deck screws.  Then add a National Hardware Corner Brace to the corner where they intersect on the opposite end for strength.


Vintage Porch Swing

Step 6


Secure two 2 1 1/2" 2 x 4's to the back of the seat platform on either end to create the back portion of the bench.


Vintage Porch Swing

Step 7


Take 2 1/2" deck screws and attach two 13" 2 x 4's to each end. This will form the support for arm rests.
Vintage Porch Swing

Step 8


Grab the 20" 1 x 6's and cut 45-degree angles on all four corners. These will create safer edges for your arm rests that are less sharp.


Vintage Porch Swing

Step 9


Use the three 46 1/4" 1 x 6's and place them on the bottom frame to create a seat. Attach with 1 /5/8" deck screws.
Rustic Pallet Shelf

Step 10

Attach Armrests

Attach one 20" 1 x 6" to the top of each arm brace using 1 5/8" deck screws to create the armrests.
Vintage Porch Swing
Vintage Porch Swing

Vintage Porch Swing
Vintage Porch Swing

Vintage Porch Swing

Step 11

Paint or Stain

Paint or stain as desired. Allow to dry and attach the two top boards that have been wallpapered to the back and sealed using 1 5/8" deck screws.
Vintage Porch Swing
Vintage Porch Swing

Step 12

Attach Eye Hooks

Attach the 1/4" x 4" eye hooks to the ends of each 2 x 4 on all four corners.


Step 13


Cut four pieces of your chain to measure as long as you need. Attach to the 1/4" quick links that are already attached to the eye hooks on each corner. Add 1/4" quick link to each eye hook. 

To Hang From A Porch Beam - Attach two 1/4" x 4" eye hooks into a solid wood beam on your porch ceiling approximately 52" apart from each-other. Attach chain and drop down to about 24" above the ground.

To Hang From A Tree Branch - Find a sturdy horizontal tree branch that can support the weight of the swing plus two people. Wrap the chain around the branch while protecting the tree with rubber to prevent damage to the bark. Secure with the 3/16" quick links and drop chain down to about 24" above the ground.

For either option of placement of the swing you'll be bringing the two pieces of chain on both the left and right sides into a triangle. Attach the triangle of chain to the piece of the chain hanging down from the tree (or porch) with a quick link as shown.


Vintage Porch Swing
Vintage Porch Swing

Vintage Porch Swing
Vintage Porch Swing

Janet Coon
Janet Coon is the face behind the popular design and DIY blog Shabbyfufu, now in it's 15th year of production!

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